London Dentist Reveals Worst Food For Your Teeth

food that can affect your teeth

Is the food I’m eating affecting my teeth?

It may come as a surprise but some of the food we eat can have a long-lasting effect on our teeth.

I’ve seen many patients walk into my clinic with rotting, damaged teeth due to eating large amounts of sugary, starchy food!

And although most people think sugar is the only thing they really need to avoid if they don’t want to ruin their teeth, sweets aren’t the only thing with sugar in them!

Those midnight cravings aren’t doing your teeth any favours when it comes to keeping them healthy!

Here are a few foods that surprised Food First that have a drastic effect on your oral health:

loaves of bread


You might want to think twice when walking down the bread aisle!

When chewing bread it can produce a gummy-paste-like substance that can easily stick between gaps in your teeth. And can cause cavities, a common problem many dentists see which often leaves patients with toothache and gum infections.

We recommend looking for bread with lower carbs such as whole wheat, which contain less sugar content.


Ice contains water, surely it’s okay to chew on, right?

It’s not such a great idea! Chewing on hard substances can damage enamel and makes you more liable to a dental emergency such as chipped or cracked teeth.

“After a cold drink, try and resist the urge to chew the ice afterwards, I’ve had a fair few people in the dental chair with broken teeth!”


Don’t suffer with bad teeth in silence

A few too many times I’ve noticed patients requiring large amounts of dental work mainly due to the food they eat. A lot of the time I hear “I hadn’t had my teeth sorted until now, as I didn’t know what dentist to trust with my teeth!

If you find you are too struggling to find a reliable dental practice, as a dentist I would definitely recommend for patients in London, this dentist.

I also stumbled across many patients in Surrey saying the same thing, it makes the challenge a lot harder searching for a dentist in areas not as large as London. Why not give this trusted practice in Surrey a go? More here.

Citrus Fruits

More than 76% of dental patients are unaware that citrus fruits have an effect on their teeth.

A cup of orange juice in the morning can never go a miss, however, too much citrus food can cause enamel to erode.

Especially with those pesty mouth sores, citrus fruits won’t do you any favours!